My name is Nessa, I am 33 years old. I’m a full time blogger, stylist and artistic director, author, creator of the love.etc wedding fair every february , and owner of photography studio and coworking space in Lyon. I’m deeply passionate about web, beautiful things, and flowers. And I think that what I like the most making connection between people.
The blog, and your amazing support through the past nine years also allowed me to take part to wonderful projects.
Inspirations fleuries, my first book, was published in October 2014. The idea behind this book ? Share my love of flowers, some of my advices, tips and pretty ideas to bloom your everyday life.
My second book, Monétiser son blog (Ed Eyrolles) gather my tips and advices for making a living from your blog, and was released in autumn 2015 and the third, Tables fleuries (Ed Eyrolles), again around flowers, was published in April 2016. My fourth one Un mariage qui vous ressemble is all about wedding and will be available in may 2018.
My journey ? A succession of happy coincidences and pretty encounters. After a college degree in history of arts, I headed to the creative crafts and decoration. Two years later, I leaved Paris for California, and spend a few months in San Francisco, while planning our own wedding.
Slowly, the need of sharing my finds and ideas emerged and few months later, one of the first french wedding related blog ; La mariée aux pieds nus was live.
Four times a week, you’ll be able to find on La mariée aux pieds nus, real brides and grooms stories, beautiful wedding ideas, talented vendors, wedding planning advices and shopping ideas to help you create the wedding that you’re dreaming of.