A wild wedding by the sea

Un mariage sauvage au bord de l'eau - Sabri Aydi - La mariée aux pieds nus

A dinner by the sea, feet in the sand, two passionate lovers, and a shoot imagined by Marie, creator of the wedding planning agency Cigales et Petits Fours, and photographed by Sabri Aydi.

Marie tells us a little more about her inspirations … “My story is the story of a couple of lovers who came to get married under the sun of an island in the Mediterranean. They are simple and sexy, they love nature, the sea and the party.
So I imagined a waterfront wedding, minimalist and elegant. A modern and refined ceremony with elsewhere accents, and a dinner feet in the sand with the sound of the waves, all in the soft glow of summer evenings. A table adorned with noble and raw materials, white marble, metal, sandstone, and exotic exotic flowers with cream and sand tones mingled with some dried vegetables. “

“My inspiration, I drew as almost always in the nature, I wanted to work the colors at the same time soft and contrasting of the night which falls on the sea after a nice and warm day, shades of bluish gray, sand and brown. Later in the evening, I imagined that the bride could go to bathe freely, get fresh from the hustle and bustle of the party, I wanted images both aesthetic and natural, which give off purity and intimacy. Sabri, the photographer, has remarkably captured the light and serenity of the moment in these images. “


Photographer: Sabri Aydi |​ ​Muah: Delphine Ruffini​ ​|​ ​Flowers: La Fabrique d’Etoiles Filantes​ ​|​ ​Stationery: Crème de Papier​ ​|​ ​Diner table and fairy lights: Be Lounge​ ​|​ ​​Dress 1 and 2: Jeanne Source – 2019 collection – Adèle dress |​ ​Accessories: Blanc Crème ​- the​ ​white​ ​showroom et naturae​ ​design​ ​|​ ​Model: Manon |​ ​Design and planning: Cigales et Petits Fours |

Vous êtes photographe et vous vous retrouvez dans l'esprit La mariée aux pieds nus, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour partager vos images à lmapn.publications@gmail.com . Les astérisques marquent des liens affiliés. Pour en savoir plus, n'hésitez pas à consulter la page Mentions Légales du site.
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